1 00:00:05,360 --> 00:00:06,300 Good morning. 2 00:00:06,540 --> 00:00:09,520 Today's lesson will focus on the Philadelphia Convention and the 3 00:00:09,720 --> 00:00:10,700 government it put in place. 4 00:00:11,220 --> 00:00:14,660 The Philadelphia Convention, which took place in 1787, 5 00:00:15,200 --> 00:00:19,840 gathered 55 delegates from 12 of the 13 former British colonies. 6 00:00:20,240 --> 00:00:22,320 Rhode Island did not participate. 7 00:00:23,500 --> 00:00:27,660 Edmund Randolph presented what was called the Virginia Plan to 8 00:00:27,860 --> 00:00:28,920 the Constitutional Convention. 9 00:00:29,480 --> 00:00:31,620 That plan had been drafted by Madison. 10 00:00:32,120 --> 00:00:35,060 It described the main features of what would become the U.S. 11 00:00:35,460 --> 00:00:36,220 Constitution. 12 00:00:36,420 --> 00:00:39,360 Under that plan, the national government was given more power, 13 00:00:39,900 --> 00:00:43,780 a stronger executive was established, as well as a bicameral legislature 14 00:00:43,980 --> 00:00:46,280 and an un-elected judiciary. 15 00:00:47,300 --> 00:00:49,660 Anti-Federalists strongly opposed it. 16 00:00:49,860 --> 00:00:52,960 As a consequence, the final text of the Constitution reflects a 17 00:00:53,160 --> 00:00:54,260 series of compromises. 18 00:00:54,960 --> 00:00:57,400 The first two of them came from a common issue: 19 00:00:57,720 --> 00:01:01,600 the distribution of the population among the states was very different. 20 00:01:02,440 --> 00:01:06,760 To give you two examples, the Census Data Bureau estimates 21 00:01:06,960 --> 00:01:13,480 that in July 1776, there were 59,094 22 00:01:13,680 --> 00:01:21,560 people in Delaware, while there were 747,810 people in Virginia. 23 00:01:22,960 --> 00:01:26,620 The first problem was that of representation in the legislative body, 24 00:01:26,840 --> 00:01:29,060 which led to what is called the Great Compromise. 25 00:01:29,940 --> 00:01:33,100 Under the Constitution, the legislature is bicameral. 26 00:01:33,300 --> 00:01:35,900 That is, there are two houses, the House of Representatives and 27 00:01:36,100 --> 00:01:36,860 the Senate. 28 00:01:37,880 --> 00:01:41,080 The Representatives are considered to represent the people of the State, 29 00:01:41,320 --> 00:01:44,800 while the Senators represent the interests of the States themselves 30 00:01:45,000 --> 00:01:45,760 in Congress. 31 00:01:46,560 --> 00:01:50,120 The so-called Congressional Apportionment Amendment, 32 00:01:50,320 --> 00:01:55,080 which was first known as Article I and was introduced in 1789, 33 00:01:55,280 --> 00:01:59,240 but never ratified by enough states so that it is still pending before 34 00:01:59,440 --> 00:02:02,400 them, was about the very number of Representatives in the U.S. 35 00:02:02,820 --> 00:02:06,540 Congress, which shows how important that issue was and is. 36 00:02:07,840 --> 00:02:10,200 Two different methods are used to determine the number of 37 00:02:10,400 --> 00:02:11,700 congresspersons in each house. 38 00:02:12,760 --> 00:02:16,740 Today, there are 435 Representatives. 39 00:02:16,940 --> 00:02:21,180 It has not always been the case, but this number was fixed in 1913, 40 00:02:21,380 --> 00:02:23,920 pursuant to the Apportionment Act of 1911. 41 00:02:24,620 --> 00:02:28,600 What has changed and regularly changes, though, is the number of 42 00:02:28,800 --> 00:02:29,900 Representatives per state. 43 00:02:30,620 --> 00:02:32,000 How is this number decided? 44 00:02:32,900 --> 00:02:36,020 Every 10 years, there is a census of all the American population, 45 00:02:36,240 --> 00:02:39,400 which serves as a basis to determine the number of Representatives per 46 00:02:39,600 --> 00:02:40,360 State. 47 00:02:40,660 --> 00:02:43,200 The last census was organized in 2020. 48 00:02:43,870 --> 00:02:47,420 The number of Representatives in a given State is based on the number 49 00:02:47,620 --> 00:02:51,380 of people, residents and non-residents, living in that State. 50 00:02:52,080 --> 00:02:55,760 In the U.S., residence is linked to citizenship. 51 00:02:56,400 --> 00:03:00,040 You are allowed to have only one residence, even if you have several 52 00:03:00,240 --> 00:03:01,760 houses in several States. 53 00:03:02,520 --> 00:03:06,600 So, in the census, what is counted is simply the people living in 54 00:03:06,800 --> 00:03:09,540 the State, even if they do not reside in it. 55 00:03:10,140 --> 00:03:13,620 There is at least one Representative per state, as in Wyoming, 56 00:03:13,880 --> 00:03:16,460 and a maximum of 53, as in California. 57 00:03:17,140 --> 00:03:20,220 However, California will lose a Representative when the results 58 00:03:20,420 --> 00:03:23,980 of the last census are applied, that is for the 2024 presidential 59 00:03:24,180 --> 00:03:27,560 election, because the population in that State has not grown as 60 00:03:27,760 --> 00:03:29,900 much as before, as we will see in lesson four. 61 00:03:31,560 --> 00:03:35,360 Compared to that evolving situation, the number of Senators does not vary, 62 00:03:35,560 --> 00:03:38,840 as it is, and has always been, two per State. 63 00:03:39,660 --> 00:03:43,020 This situation is the result of compromise, the Great Gompromise, 64 00:03:43,280 --> 00:03:46,980 between supporters of States' rights and advocates of proportional 65 00:03:47,180 --> 00:03:48,340 representation of the People. 66 00:03:49,920 --> 00:03:53,240 The second problem, which led to another compromise, resulted from 67 00:03:53,440 --> 00:03:56,200 that very apportionment system that we have just described. 68 00:03:57,040 --> 00:04:00,260 Indeed, the question was, who should be counted as living 69 00:04:00,460 --> 00:04:01,220 in a State? 70 00:04:01,420 --> 00:04:02,180 Only voters? 71 00:04:02,400 --> 00:04:03,400 The free population? 72 00:04:04,140 --> 00:04:07,020 The southern States, where a lot of slaves lived, 73 00:04:07,380 --> 00:04:09,320 wanted them to be included into the census. 74 00:04:09,540 --> 00:04:12,980 While the northern States did not, as it would have given too much 75 00:04:13,180 --> 00:04:15,340 weight to the South, to the detriment of the North. 76 00:04:16,140 --> 00:04:20,660 Once again, a compromise was reached, but only for counting purposes. 77 00:04:21,420 --> 00:04:25,660 It was decided that one slave would count as three-fifths of a person. 78 00:04:26,420 --> 00:04:28,900 This was therefore called the Three-Fifths Compromise. 79 00:04:29,860 --> 00:04:33,420 Today, even illegal immigrants are counted since they live in 80 00:04:33,620 --> 00:04:34,380 the State. 81 00:04:34,580 --> 00:04:35,720 Be careful, though. 82 00:04:35,980 --> 00:04:39,340 Keep in mind that slaves still did not have any right, 83 00:04:39,560 --> 00:04:42,260 and most importantly, they did not vote, and neither 84 00:04:42,460 --> 00:04:43,340 did women at that time. 85 00:04:43,880 --> 00:04:47,640 They were only taken into consideration as part of the population of a State, 86 00:04:47,940 --> 00:04:51,260 to calculate the number of US Representatives in that State. 87 00:04:52,880 --> 00:04:55,880 The third issue raised by Anti-Federalists was the protection 88 00:04:56,080 --> 00:04:58,460 of individual rights against interference from the Federal 89 00:04:58,660 --> 00:05:01,940 Government, as a consequence of which a Bill of Rights was ratified 90 00:05:02,140 --> 00:05:07,480 in 1791, comprising the first ten amendments to the US Constitution. 91 00:05:08,640 --> 00:05:12,220 Bills of rights already existed at State level, and the federal 92 00:05:12,420 --> 00:05:15,360 one borrowed, among others, from the Massachusetts Body of 93 00:05:15,560 --> 00:05:21,520 Liberties (1641), the Northwest Ordinance (1787), and the Virginia 94 00:05:21,720 --> 00:05:25,160 Declaration of Rights (1776), which had been written by 95 00:05:25,360 --> 00:05:29,160 George Mason, who himself drew inspiration from different English 96 00:05:29,360 --> 00:05:33,820 texts, like Magna Carta (1215), the Petition of Rights 97 00:05:34,020 --> 00:05:38,420 (1628), and the English Bill of Rights, (1689). 98 00:05:40,100 --> 00:05:43,200 Now, if we look at what the Constitution is founded upon, 99 00:05:43,500 --> 00:05:47,880 its core principles are federalism, which will be studied in more detail 100 00:05:48,080 --> 00:05:51,260 over the next two weeks, the separation of powers, 101 00:05:51,740 --> 00:05:52,920 and checks and balances. 102 00:05:54,220 --> 00:05:58,340 Let us examine the principles of separation of powers and checks 103 00:05:58,540 --> 00:05:59,300 and balances. 104 00:05:59,660 --> 00:06:01,420 There are three branches in the Federal Government. 105 00:06:01,920 --> 00:06:04,600 The legislative branch, described in Article 1, 106 00:06:04,880 --> 00:06:07,580 the executive branch, established under Article 2, 107 00:06:07,940 --> 00:06:10,400 and the judicial branch, also called the judiciary, 108 00:06:10,820 --> 00:06:12,100 set up in Article 3. 109 00:06:12,700 --> 00:06:15,040 Each branch is separated from the others. 110 00:06:15,620 --> 00:06:19,280 It has powers that the others do not have, and is selected in a 111 00:06:19,480 --> 00:06:23,080 specific way at a particular time that will be studied in the unit 112 00:06:23,280 --> 00:06:24,040 on Congress. 113 00:06:25,140 --> 00:06:26,940 Why did framers build that system? 114 00:06:27,500 --> 00:06:30,600 The problem they faced was that of the force, and especially the 115 00:06:30,800 --> 00:06:32,380 coercive force, of the Government. 116 00:06:33,420 --> 00:06:36,780 Force is at the same time a necessity and a danger. 117 00:06:37,240 --> 00:06:40,360 It is a necessity because it allows the Government to defend citizens 118 00:06:40,560 --> 00:06:45,100 against opponents, against lawless elements, but it is also a danger 119 00:06:45,300 --> 00:06:47,680 because it can be used against the citizens themselves, 120 00:06:47,880 --> 00:06:48,780 against their freedoms. 121 00:06:49,880 --> 00:06:52,760 Madison bemoaned that situation in a letter to Washington, 122 00:06:52,960 --> 00:06:56,580 in which he reflected it was a pity that "Liberty should 123 00:06:56,780 --> 00:07:01,140 be equally exposed to danger whether the government has too much or 124 00:07:01,340 --> 00:07:02,740 too little power". 125 00:07:04,200 --> 00:07:07,700 The idea of separation of powers was first proposed by Montesquieu, 126 00:07:07,900 --> 00:07:11,980 and it had already been put in place in the States when the US 127 00:07:12,180 --> 00:07:13,220 Constitution was drafted. 128 00:07:14,520 --> 00:07:18,420 For the Framers, though, separating powers was not enough. 129 00:07:18,620 --> 00:07:21,880 Indeed, it could not, on its own, prevent what Madison 130 00:07:22,080 --> 00:07:25,880 called "factions", that is, groups of people, from taking control 131 00:07:26,080 --> 00:07:28,540 over one branch of power, if not all the branches. 132 00:07:29,240 --> 00:07:33,520 So only dividing the Government along strictly institutional lines would 133 00:07:33,720 --> 00:07:34,560 not be sufficient. 134 00:07:35,620 --> 00:07:38,940 What they designed was therefore a system in which force can be 135 00:07:39,140 --> 00:07:43,200 applied by the Federal Government only if the three branches agree to it. 136 00:07:43,400 --> 00:07:48,040 To act, each branch needs the agreement of the other two, or at least that 137 00:07:48,240 --> 00:07:52,560 the other two do not prevent it from doing what it intends to do. 138 00:07:53,280 --> 00:07:55,980 Each branch has been granted the power to check what the others 139 00:07:56,180 --> 00:07:57,640 do and is checked by the others. 140 00:07:58,260 --> 00:08:00,920 That is the system of checks and balances, which was established 141 00:08:01,120 --> 00:08:04,740 on top of the system of separation of powers, and I will leave you 142 00:08:04,940 --> 00:08:07,460 discover how exactly it works in the exercises.