1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:09,380 Last week we discussed about Spotify 2 00:00:09,580 --> 00:00:29,460 and we looked at different, let's say, views regarding Video 3 00:00:29,660 --> 00:00:34,100 number 4L2. 4 00:00:34,540 --> 00:00:42,660 So last week we looked at Spotify and how they are put into practice, 5 00:00:42,860 --> 00:00:46,680 what we call public relations. 6 00:00:47,700 --> 00:00:55,160 So to sum it up, what we saw is that in terms of public relations, 7 00:00:55,780 --> 00:01:00,420 when it is external, they are doing quite a good job. 8 00:01:01,400 --> 00:01:08,760 But there are some few issues, particularly regarding public relations 9 00:01:08,960 --> 00:01:11,820 in an internal point of view. 10 00:01:12,380 --> 00:01:18,600 So this is what we discovered about the company at Spotify last week. 11 00:01:19,140 --> 00:01:23,720 This week I would like us to come to a different company. 12 00:01:23,920 --> 00:01:25,500 It is Starbucks. 13 00:01:25,780 --> 00:01:29,120 This is our case study number 2. 14 00:01:29,460 --> 00:01:32,720 Starbucks was created in the early 70s. 15 00:01:33,840 --> 00:01:37,820 To define Starbucks and explain what it is, I would say that it 16 00:01:38,020 --> 00:01:41,300 is a chain of coffee houses. 17 00:01:41,500 --> 00:01:43,760 It is the most famous one. 18 00:01:43,960 --> 00:01:45,940 It is the most successful one. 19 00:01:46,420 --> 00:01:50,120 It is represented in 80 countries. 20 00:01:50,320 --> 00:01:55,440 It is a growing company and very 21 00:01:55,640 --> 00:01:58,420 interesting when it comes to public relations. 22 00:02:00,940 --> 00:02:06,060 So Starbucks, when it was first created in the early 70s, 23 00:02:06,520 --> 00:02:08,700 was innovating. 24 00:02:09,300 --> 00:02:10,300 Why? 25 00:02:10,500 --> 00:02:11,800 I am going to explain. 26 00:02:12,000 --> 00:02:16,260 First, if we look at the case of France, for example, 27 00:02:16,900 --> 00:02:22,880 we have lots of cafes, but they are the old traditional cafes. 28 00:02:25,840 --> 00:02:30,820 When Starbucks came to the French market, it was something brand new. 29 00:02:31,060 --> 00:02:34,600 It looks very much like fast food restaurants. 30 00:02:36,220 --> 00:02:39,860 So they offer coffee. 31 00:02:40,300 --> 00:02:42,160 This is what they sell. 32 00:02:44,180 --> 00:02:48,320 But the ethic, the value is different. 33 00:02:48,700 --> 00:02:54,080 Let's try to focus on the value and ethic of Starbucks. 34 00:02:55,300 --> 00:03:02,400 Starbucks, first we have to bear in mind that it represents a form 35 00:03:02,600 --> 00:03:03,780 of globalization. 36 00:03:05,600 --> 00:03:08,840 So just like any fast food restaurant. 37 00:03:09,500 --> 00:03:11,900 And they have some values. 38 00:03:12,100 --> 00:03:19,040 When we look at these values, especially in the documents I sent you, 39 00:03:19,340 --> 00:03:25,170 we see that the notion of inclusiveness is very important. 40 00:03:25,840 --> 00:03:32,160 This is the first notion I would like us to meditate on, 41 00:03:32,360 --> 00:03:33,120 to think of. 42 00:03:33,320 --> 00:03:38,460 Let's try to explore what is in 43 00:03:38,660 --> 00:03:41,800 the notion of inclusiveness. 44 00:03:42,800 --> 00:03:46,760 First, it is a concept that is very close to the concept of 45 00:03:46,960 --> 00:03:47,720 integration. 46 00:03:47,920 --> 00:03:50,220 And this is what I would like us to analyze. 47 00:03:51,580 --> 00:04:00,660 So it is close to the notion of integration, but in an Anglo-Saxon 48 00:04:00,860 --> 00:04:02,460 understanding of the term. 49 00:04:02,660 --> 00:04:04,640 Not a French one, not a Latin one. 50 00:04:05,360 --> 00:04:10,640 Which means that, how would I explain 51 00:04:10,840 --> 00:04:14,580 what integration or inclusiveness is? 52 00:04:14,780 --> 00:04:20,620 I would say that it is something, it is when you become as a stranger, 53 00:04:21,220 --> 00:04:26,440 you become part of something that also becomes yours at the same time. 54 00:04:26,640 --> 00:04:31,780 So this is the philosophy of Starbucks. 55 00:04:32,400 --> 00:04:34,920 And this is what appears in the different documents. 56 00:04:35,340 --> 00:04:45,460 So they are putting into place lots of measures going towards equity. 57 00:04:46,160 --> 00:04:49,680 Here again, a difference between equity and equality. 58 00:04:49,880 --> 00:04:55,600 Equity means that you focus on 59 00:04:55,800 --> 00:05:01,440 what some people need to try to satisfy their needs, 60 00:05:01,800 --> 00:05:03,620 respond to their needs. 61 00:05:04,300 --> 00:05:08,360 So the reason why I would like us to understand all these notions, 62 00:05:08,700 --> 00:05:14,100 the notion of equity and the notion of inclusiveness and integration 63 00:05:14,300 --> 00:05:18,940 in the Anglo-Saxon understanding of the term. 64 00:05:19,140 --> 00:05:24,480 It is because it is different from 65 00:05:24,680 --> 00:05:27,040 the Latin understanding of the term. 66 00:05:27,780 --> 00:05:34,200 In the sense that in the Anglo-Saxon 67 00:05:34,400 --> 00:05:39,400 understanding of the term, there is more this idea of welcoming 68 00:05:39,600 --> 00:05:45,000 and not the integrating part having 69 00:05:45,200 --> 00:05:48,220 to change itself to get accepted. 70 00:05:48,420 --> 00:05:53,320 And this is what we see in the public relations. 71 00:05:53,520 --> 00:05:58,140 So this is the foundation of the public relation of Starbucks. 72 00:05:58,540 --> 00:06:03,900 If you analyze all the documents I sent you. 73 00:06:04,740 --> 00:06:09,960 So also another notion, it is the notion of community. 74 00:06:10,160 --> 00:06:18,380 Which means that through this, let's say, process of inclusiveness, 75 00:06:18,640 --> 00:06:23,740 you also have the feeling that same thing for the people working 76 00:06:23,940 --> 00:06:27,160 for Starbucks, but also for the customers. 77 00:06:27,680 --> 00:06:31,400 There is this or even the partners of Starbucks. 78 00:06:31,840 --> 00:06:38,680 We have the feeling of one being part of one same community. 79 00:06:38,880 --> 00:06:44,800 Here again, the term community is different from what we could 80 00:06:45,000 --> 00:06:47,080 understand in the French language. 81 00:06:48,600 --> 00:06:54,360 It is not a derogative word in the Anglo-Saxon understanding of 82 00:06:54,560 --> 00:06:55,320 the term. 83 00:06:55,520 --> 00:06:56,280 We speak of community. 84 00:06:56,680 --> 00:06:59,820 Community could be, of course, just a neighborhood. 85 00:07:00,040 --> 00:07:04,900 People living in the same neighborhood could be part of a same community. 86 00:07:05,100 --> 00:07:08,260 People working, let's say, in the same company could be part 87 00:07:08,460 --> 00:07:10,640 of the same company. 88 00:07:11,140 --> 00:07:14,520 People are going to the same school and so on. 89 00:07:14,760 --> 00:07:23,940 So the use of this term differs from what we usually have in mind 90 00:07:24,140 --> 00:07:26,960 in Latin countries. 91 00:07:27,160 --> 00:07:33,560 So these two notions are key when we look at the public relations 92 00:07:33,760 --> 00:07:37,520 that Starbucks is trying to put into place. 93 00:07:37,800 --> 00:07:43,100 So now that we understand these two concepts, the concept of 94 00:07:43,300 --> 00:07:49,840 integration, the inclusiveness, the concept of equity, 95 00:07:50,540 --> 00:07:52,440 the concept of community. 96 00:07:53,600 --> 00:07:58,540 We have to integrate an aspect of all these notions. 97 00:07:59,160 --> 00:08:05,360 I started saying that when we look at Starbucks, what it did in the 98 00:08:05,560 --> 00:08:12,500 last year since it was created, it is a kind of globalization of 99 00:08:12,700 --> 00:08:17,700 this kind of business, selling coffees, selling coffee. 100 00:08:17,900 --> 00:08:23,940 Here, what we have to understand is that all these notions have 101 00:08:24,140 --> 00:08:30,640 also to be understood in a globalized 102 00:08:30,840 --> 00:08:36,540 sense of the term, which means that not limited to one country, 103 00:08:36,920 --> 00:08:39,520 but also including other countries. 104 00:08:39,720 --> 00:08:46,300 And this is what we see in the text I sent you, especially with 105 00:08:46,500 --> 00:08:47,680 the case of Japan. 106 00:08:48,220 --> 00:08:56,000 After the tsunami in Japan, Starbucks decided to put into place 107 00:08:56,200 --> 00:09:04,000 some techniques, some measures that were going to favor public 108 00:09:04,200 --> 00:09:06,100 relations between the different partners. 109 00:09:06,300 --> 00:09:12,860 So it is communication, it is awareness, and we have this 110 00:09:13,060 --> 00:09:17,780 feeling of solidarity, which means that all these concepts, 111 00:09:18,020 --> 00:09:25,120 all these values have also to be understood in an international 112 00:09:25,320 --> 00:09:27,000 point of view. 113 00:09:27,540 --> 00:09:29,700 This is what I wanted to say for this week. 114 00:09:30,040 --> 00:09:32,000 Please read the documents. 115 00:09:33,060 --> 00:09:36,940 I sent you, and see you next week.